Self-Care Tips For Spring

Yes! Spring is here!
Spring is the season of renewal, rebirth, and regeneration and this change in seasons creates an excellent opportunity to upgrade your self-care routine.
Here are a few tips to help you achieve that.
Make A Wellness Goal
Make just one wellness goal for the year, and then devise a plan to make that goal happen. For example, you might resolve to lose 5 pounds by the end of the year. Write a plan that outlines the weight-loss activities you plan to engage in to make your goal happen. Set a timeline, then share your goal with a friend. Sharing your goal (and your plan to make it happen) will help you remain accountable.
Move – Do It Early & With A Buddy
The mornings are warming up now and the sun rises earlier each day.
Take advantage of the warmer, longer days with an early walk or jog before starting your day. Exercising early can start your day on a high note with clarity and energy.
Walking or exercising with a partner/buddy will help you stay committed to your exercise goal. Make a standing appointment to walk or run with your buddy at least twice to three times a week. More if you have the time.
Keep Hydrated
Water is our most critical nutrient and the largest single component of the body. Overall, our bodies comprise around 50 – 70 % water. Some parts, for example our brain, can be up to 85% water. Every system in the body requires water to function optimally
Water provides the medium in which oxygen, nutrients and waste products are transported throughout the body, through which metabolic biochemical reactions occur, through which body temperature is regulated, and how blood pressure and blood volume (85% water) is maintained. These vital functions cannot occur without adequate fluids.
Water is also a solvent, a lubricant (e.g. joints) and a protective cushion (e.g. spinal fluid). It is vital for all mucous membrane integrity preventing congestion and for proper elimination preventing constipation. Nerve and brain cells and function also require adequate water. Even mild dehydration can cause mood alterations, headaches, irritability and poor concentration.
Everyone’s water requirement is different and depends on factors such as your health, fitness level, activity, genetics and environment. A general guideline is to aim to consume 30mls of water for every kilo of your body weight.
Revitalize Your Daily Fruits & Vegetables
Spring is a great season to add new fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Moving out of winter, we need to change our diet. Heavier foods typically eaten in winter tend to be a little harder for us to digest and for our liver, our major detoxifier, to digest. Replace these heavy winter foods with light, quickly cooked ingredients.
Use whole natural foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants and phytochemicals which are bioavailable and protective to the body
Springtime enables us to enjoy more salads and raw foods such as berries, pineapple, papaya, banana, avocado, melons, lettuce, spinach and asparagus.
Add some bitter greens like dandelion greens, rocket, endive, radicchio, or kale to your salads.
Bitter foods help the liver cleanse and detoxify our bodies and are essential to good health.
Say “yes” to a healthy breakfast. It’s a solid foundation and great start for any day and will dictate your energy, concentration and focus for the entire day. Include some protein and a few different coloured vegetables or fruits.
Start a Healthy Food Night Strategy – Research and try a new healthy recipe at least one night each week.
Your new favorites are likely to then become regulars. This is a super easy way to add healthy foods, and the healthier your diet will become overall.
For hints on how to add more veggies to your diet see HERE
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
Strive to sleep between seven and eight hours sleep every night. Getting plenty of sleep can help your body to repair and regenerate itself.
Just like a morning routine is necessary to prepare yourself for the day ahead, it is just as important for a regular night routine to prepare for the sleep ahead.
Stop using electronics that give off blue light (like televisions, computers, laptops and some alarm clocks) an hour before bedtime. The light emitted from these devices can confuse the brain by reducing the production of the sleep hormone melatonin and results in poorer sleep.
If worry is keeping you awake, introduce some strategies to reduce the stress.
For more hints to get a good night’s sleep see HERE
Proper sleeping habits also help maintain a healthy weight.
For more hints on how to maintain a healthy weight see HERE
Staying up late has been shown to increase the likelihood of overeating.
Achieving proper rest reduces the opportunity to make bad diet decisions while preparing you for the demands of the next day.
Spend Some Time Outside and Enjoy the Sunshine
Spring is the ideal season for spending more time outdoors celebrating the warmer days and longer hours of sunlight.
Sunlight supports hormonal health, circadian rhythm, fertility, bone health, immune function, and mood, and overall human health.
After the winter, our bodies need that extra Vitamin D to boost up our depleted resources.
It’s ideal to spend time outside each day in the morning sunlight hours to set our biological rhythms and support hormonal health.
Find a hobby that you can do outdoors, exercise in the sunlight or even make a small garden. Even just a short amount of time spent outside will be great for your health and your mood.

Spring is a wonderful time to spring clean yourself naturally and spring clean your house with natural low tox products.
Declutter and minimize ‘stuff’ to bring new energy into your space.
Freshen your house with little bundles of spring flowers.
Open the windows wide a let all that fresh, warm air sweep through.
Need some support with your springtime self-care?
Book your appointment with me HERE.