Tips to Survive the Festive Season

Christmas and the holiday season, (any celebratory time for that matter) can be a wonderfully happy time or it can be stressful and overwhelming, particularly if struggling with health issues or trying to conceive.
No matter how you look at it, it is all to easy to drift away from healthy eating and lifestyle habits. The extra food and drinks that are not the usual part of a healthy daily routine can take their toll.
How can we regain a bit of control and help our bodies rid the excesses?
Here are a few tips –
DON’T SKIMP ON BREAKFAST. You might think that going without breakfast will leave room for the party food but DON’T DO IT. Start the day with some form of protein. A good breakfast of eggs, avocado, some veggies and maybe a green smoothie will keep blood sugar levels balanced all day, keeping irritability and frayed nerves at bay. Healthy fuel at the beginning finds you less likely to be over indulging in the crackers and dip and the sweet treats.
HYDRATE, HYDRATE! It is so easy to become dehydrated in our Australian summer, especially if also drinking alcohol. Replenish your body with at least 8 glasses of filtered water throughout each day. Have a glass of water in between each alcoholic drink. Of course there should be zero alcohol if you are trying to conceive. Try adding just a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to your water for an extra alkalizing and hydrating boost. Or try some coconut water which is packed with electrolytes to improve hydration as well as antimicrobial substances to support immunity.
LOOK FOR THE NUTRITIOUS GEMS IN THE SEA OF TEMPTATION. While there is likely to be an array of many tempting food, nibbles and drinks spread before you, most functions will also have at least a few healthier nutritious options. Go for the salads, veggie sticks, fresh seafood, meats or the fruit platter. Drop the guilt and have a little of the Christmas pudding, trifle or Pavlova and enjoy it. Balance the little indulgences out with healthier, more nutrient dense foods on offer. At this busy time of year it is easy to forget your supplements. Give yourself reminders so you keep supporting your health and as insurance for any little dietary indiscretions at this time.

WATCH THE ALCOHOL. Too much alcohol dehydrates you and puts stress on your liver which in turn creates hormone havoc. Research has not been able to confirm any safe level of alcohol in the preconception period or during pregnancy so if this is you forget it. Instead enjoy a “mocktail” with a garnish, a fresh juice topped up with some sparkling water or even a glass of kombucha.
OVER INDULGED? Start your day with a green smoothie made from apples, broccoli, spinach and green tea and/or coconut water. These lovely greens are great to support your body’s natural cleansing process as well as providing an overloaded liver with essential B vitamins and other nutrients to support well being.
Alternatively, make up a berry smoothie with handfuls of antioxidant and vitamin C rich blueberries (or any berry that takes your fancy, I love a mixture) to fight that inflammation caused by sugary foods and alcohol. Add these to your green smoothie or just blend with coconut water or coconut milk. These make yummy icy poles too.
FIND SOME TIME TO RELAX AND DE-STRESS Enjoy the festivities and don’t sweat the small stuff. For some, the festive season can be an emotionally charged one. Try not to let little things worry you – whether its to do with family issues or worry about eating the “correct’ food. In most cases the stress will be doing more harm than the food itself.Soak that stress away by adding a cup or more of Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender oil to a warm bath and indulge in a rejuvenating soak. This is a great way to relax and de-stress while eliminating toxins and acids from rich foods and alcohol.
SLEEP, BLISSFUL SLEEP. Our body works hard at healing and recovering while we sleep so give it a fair chance. Have a few early nights and a couple of sleep-ins during this festive season.
Set and stick to an earlier bedtime routine. Our bodies function optimally when running on a predictable schedule.
My favourite tip is to set a “wind-down alarm” to go off about an hour before your set bed time. This is the time to turn off electronics, dim the lights, have that relaxing bath and start to unwind from your day. Turn the aircon down to cool (you’ll sleep better) and darken the bedroom. Zzzz off you go.