Top Tips to be Baby Ready

Planning to get pregnant?
Ideally, preparation for a holistic pregnancy and childbirth begins well before you become pregnant. Your own good health helps your baby’s health.
Having decided to have a baby, you will need to know some important fertility fitness facts to improve your chances having the healthiest possible pregnancy, and healthiest baby. There’s plenty that you can do to get your body into prime baby-making shape.
A healthy body is a fertile body and the health of your baby is largely dependent on your and your partner’s health well before conception. Studies show that where both prospective parents actively prepare for a healthy pregnancy not only improves your chances of having a healthy baby, but also reduce the chances of miscarriage, pregnancy and birthing complications, prematurity, congenital abnormalities and still births.
Want to give your child the best possible start in life? Ensure that you are both in optimum health by starting your preparation for this most important event at least 120 days before you try to conceive. Why so long? – Because the health of the sperm and egg at conception will be a direct reflection of your health, lifestyle and environment over the previous 120 days.
Remember, it takes 2 to get pregnant. Male fertility problems affect 50% of couples who have difficulty conceiving so all the following suggestions apply to BOTH partners
Well what steps do you need to take?
Schedule a preconception check up with your health care provider
Preferably choose someone specialising in reproductive health and fertility for a general health check-up and to discuss your pregnancy plans. This can help you identify any family history or health problems for you or your partner that might affect pregnancy to make sure that there aren’t any surprises going on with your bodies that you should be aware of.
Have some testing done

You both need general, hormonal and nutritional blood testing. Women may also need a pelvic ultrasound to check uterine and fallopian tube health and to rule out any potential issues that may hinder or prevent conception occurring quickly after you have done all your preparation.
Men will need to have a semen analysis (ideally with a specialist fertility clinic). If this is less than ideal most issues can easily be successfully addressed naturally and nutritionally during the preconception preparation period.
This testing will be particularly important if you have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and still no success. Testing for nutritional deficiencies can be helpful in creating a diet and nutrition program that is specific to your body and needs. Many nutritional deficiencies can cause fertility imbalances like lack of ovulation or menses.
Eat Right for Fertility
Good nutrition is absolutely vital when trying for a pregnancy. Diet is one of the first things discussed and worked with for every single one of our prospective parents. Everything you eat and drink as well as the things you avoid determines the health of your cells and tissue and can have a big impact on your fertility. It is nutrients that build, fuel and run all your cells. You are the one who chooses what goes into your body so try to make the best choices you can every day.
Ideally base your diet on organic, seasonal, local produce that is as fresh and closest to its natural state as possible (unprocessed). Focus your meals on fresh vegetables and fruits with good quality organic meats, poultry and fish.
If you have had some trouble conceiving it may be worth avoiding dairy and gluten containing foods. There is evidence that this reduces the chances of allergic reactions and excessive mucus and inflammation, which can hinder reproductive function. Studies also show that gluten can have a negative impact on ovulation. A gluten sensitivity or intolerance may also decrease your absorption of essential nutrients.
Good Quality Supplementation
You may ask “Surely I don’t need supplements if I am eating a healthy diet“. This may have been true at some point during human existence, but unfortunately this is not so now. Today our bodies are faced with more toxins, pollution, nutrient deficient foods and soils, stress, radiation and many other physical and emotional conditions which more than ever increase our body’s nutrient requirements.
Also, be aware that not all prenatal supplements are the same. Just because a particular brand is well marketed and/or is cheap, it does not mean it is the best product for you. It is important to seek professional advice before starting any new supplementation regime, so you don’t short-change yourself and compromise your results. Consult your naturopathic practitioner for assistance in choosing the supplement or supplements best suited to you.
Get Rid of Lifestyle and Fertility Poisons

Avoid caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. Most people know that there are harmful to a developing baby, but they should also be avoided by both partners when trying to conceive. Although caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes and recreational substances are fairly common in most people’s lifestyles, they are all toxic to your fertility and above all your prospective child. Research shows that even minimal and occasional consumption of coffee or alcohol can dramatically decrease fertility in both men and women. Therefore, complete avoidance during the preconception preparation period, pregnancy and lactation is definitely in your prospective family’s best interest.
Try substituting coffee with herbal teas or water and replace alcohol with non-alcoholic healthier options
These habits are hard to break, but having a baby is often very good motivation. If you are having trouble breaking these habits seek professional assistance
Avoid environmental toxins and Chemical Exposure
In our 21st century world we are surrounded by myriads of all types of toxins and pollutants that can negatively impact health and fertility. Exposure to common household environmental toxins such as household cleaning products, pest control, pesticides and hormones in the food supply are all know to disrupt hormone balance, dramatically affecting both male and female fertility as well as your prospective child’s development in utero as well as in early childhood.
Make a decision now to choose safe, alternative, chemical free cleaning and personal care products, buy organic foods wherever possible, and avoid plastics and synthetic materials as much as possible.
Get to Know Your Cycle and Your Body
Start taking note of the changes taking place in your body during your menstrual cycle. An important aspect of addressing your fertility is to understand and track your fertility cycle. Sympto-thermal charting is an easy way to keep track of fertility signs, symptoms and your menstrual cycle and only takes one minute every morning to take your temperature upon rising and write it into a chart. After the first cycle you will begin to see a pattern and learn the length of your cycle and predict your ovulation times.
Reduce and Relieve Stress

Stress is an enemy of fertility as well as causing all sorts of other health issues. While in a stressed state the body perceives it unsafe to reproduce and your hormone balance will reflect this. Try anything you can to relieve it. Studies actually show that reducing stress will improve fertility.
Work out which of your stressors can be changed and take steps to change them. With the stressors you don’t feel you can change, try changing the way you react to them.
Try de-stressing with a regular massage, meditation, yoga, gentle exercise, reflexology, acupuncture, listening to music, taking time out at the beach or in the country, hold hands with your partner and watch a funny movie.
If you have been trying to conceive for some time, instead of stressing about not getting pregnant, try to create a romantic situation with every love making session and make it a love making, rather than “baby making”.