Why Breakfast Like a King?

First and foremost, NEVER skip breakfast. Always make breakfast the most important meal of the day.
Why Is Breakfast So Important?
What is the purpose of eating breakfast?
Breakfast is literally “breaking the fast” and is required to refuel your body after the overnight fast. When you wake in the morning it is likely that you have not eaten or “fasted” for somewhere between 8 to 12 or more hours and your blood sugar will be rock bottom.
So, eating breakfast is vital to kick start your metabolism and to keep blood sugar levels (& therefore your energy) regulated & more stable throughout the rest of the day.
This is the first opportunity your body gets to obtain glucose or blood sugar after so long without food. Glucose is needed by your cells, tissues, organs, muscles and brain to function well.
A good breakfast will also assist to maintain a healthy weight.
It curbs your hunger and keeps you from binging on food several hours later when you are needing to boost your glucose.
To maintain a good fuel supply for all your metabolic and reproductive processes it is important to include:
- some protein (animal or plant source – eggs, chicken, meat, fish, lentils, beans),
- some complex carbohydrate (such as a variety of different vegetables) and
- some healthy fats. (avocado, high quality butter, organic eggs, coconut milk smoothie)
Protein will be the most satiating as it keeps you feeling full, satisfied, providing adequate energy until lunch time.
Vegetables for breakfast?
Yes! Absolutely! It’s not nearly so weird or difficult as you might think!
Vegetables are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, so it makes sense to start fueling yourself with them first thing in the morning.
Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and chard, and orange veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes and butternut pumpkin pack a big nutritional punch. But try all kinds! They all come with a healthy dose of health boosting vitamins, minerals, as well as fiber.
Small Changes Make A Big Difference
If you find it difficult to eat first thing in the morning or are put off by the protein and vegetable type of suggestions, start by making just small changes.
If you are used to having white toast and jam or toast and vegemite, try a small slice of grainy gluten free toast with avocado or nut butter instead.
A small amount of protein and a fruit smoothie made on coconut milk could also be a steppingstone until you feel that you can manage something more substantial.
Once you make the change to having small amounts of protein plus complex ‘slow’ carbs at breakfast time, you will notice that you don’t get tired or as hungry during the morning or throughout the day.
You will find you have improved mood, better concentration, energy and overall feeling of wellbeing. As well, you will be providing your body with valuable protein and nutrients for optimum cell energetics, growth and fertility.
For some reason, many of us have been programmed to see breakfast as something sweet and light. However, ingesting simple sugars like refined cereals and the like will set you up to be craving sweet things all day and having your blood glucose levels yo-yoing.
What Best to Avoid at Breakfast
The types of things you should avoid at breakfast then, include:- fruit juices (concentrated sugars), refined white breads, waffles, pancakes, refined processed cereals, honey, sugar, jam, chocolate spreads, caffeine and other stimulants (coffee, hot chocolate, black teas).
Also avoid being focused on using low fat dairy products. Without the fat the body processes these very quickly and when the fat is removed the sugar component (lactose) can have a much greater impact on blood sugar levels.
I’ve found that people are sometimes initially unsure of changing their breakfast habits but invariably notice a significant difference in energy, wellbeing, energy and even fertility outcomes when they do. So often I hear – “I can’t believe what a difference that small change has made”.
Try these delicious breakfast ideas to provide your body with fuel, energy and nutrients that support your health and vitality.
- Eggs – any way you like e.g. scrambled, poached, pan fried or soft boiled with a side of wilted greens, mushrooms, tomato or steamed root vegetables (from the night before). Add grainy toast if you like.
- Vegetable omelette (1-3 eggs)– include a little onion or shallot, chopped or grated zucchini, baby tomato, mushrooms, baby spinach or any vegetable preferred. Sprinkle over 1-2 tablespoons of grated parmesan or cheddar cheese plus chopped chives &/or parsley before serving. If you can’t eat it all for breakfast, have the remainder as a mid-morning snack or chop through your lunch time salad.
- Veggie frittata – just a fancy omelette mixed with colorful vegetables and cooked in the oven – either in a casserole dish or in patty/muffin tin. Both quick and easy, filling and packed with nutrition – protein from the eggs and powerful plant-based nutrients from the vegetables. Batch cook so you have some ready for a quick but nourishing breakfast.

- Chia pudding made with coconut milk or cream with fresh berries or fruit of choice and topped with crunchy nutty granola.
- “Bubble and Squeak” – leftover cooked vegetables from the night before chopped coarsely and tossed in 1 or 2 teaspoons of olive/coconut oil &/or butter along with meat, chicken or fish. An alternative is to whisk an egg and pour over to make a type of vegetable omelette or frittata.
- Savoury lean beef or lamb mince (or lentils/beans) – half meat and half vegetables on whole grain toast. Lends itself to batch cooking and freezing individual portions.
- Home-made baked beans on organic whole grain toast. There are some wonderful recipes for these to be found on the internet & SO much tastier and healthier than the sugar laden canned variety. Do a batch cooking of these, they freeze very well.
- Zucchini & vegetable fritters. Made with your choice of vegetables and bound with organic eggs. Pre-make a batch of these for a quick, nourishing breakfast (or lunch).