
Pregnancy, Birth and Post Natal Care

Now you are pregnant! Congratulations!

No doubt you are experiencing many different emotions. Along with much joy and exhilaration you may also be experiencing some anxiety or even fear along with anticipation.

Of course you will want to provide your unborn baby with the best possible start in life and will have many questions regarding your diet, appropriate supplements, exercise, lifestyle factors and the like.

Pregnancy is such a special time with so many physiological and emotional changes, ups and downs. Now you need to consolidate all you have learned prior to conception and continue all your new nutritional, dietary and lifestyle habits. Your health during pregnancy is vital as your baby grows and develops completely according to nutrients supplied solely by you via your diet but also your lifestyle, stress levels and your external environment.

Achieving a Healthy Pregnancy

Continued naturopathic and nutritional care throughout pregnancy will ensure a healthy, trouble free pregnancy and a healthy, happy outcome.

You may feel that you already have a healthy, balanced diet but sometimes the very high nutritional demands of pregnancy along with the effects of pregnancy nausea, long term nutritional deficiencies or insufficiencies, stress and other conditions may mean that your intake of essential nutrients is not quite adequate to cope with the needs of both you and your growing baby.

The pregnancy program is designed support you and your baby during this time of rapid growth and change. The emphasis will be on your nutritional status and your changing nutritional requirements through each trimester, supporting you and your developing baby with appropriate diet and lifestyle advice and safe nutritional supplementation

Each trimester has specific nutritional requirements and can present its own challenges from nausea, fatigue, heartburn, urinary and bowel changes to thrush, cramps, anaemia through to more concerning issues such as high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. All these can be supported and symptoms lessened with naturopathic and nutritional treatments.

The Pregnancy Support Program includes 2-3 visits during each trimester, monitoring and supporting specific issues relating to that particular phase of your pregnancy.

For example, emphasis during the first trimester will be continuing the best diet and lifestyle habits to reduce any early pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, morning sickness or threatened miscarriage. The second trimester continues monitoring your nutritional status with particular emphasis on iron status and any other issues that may arise.

During the third trimester we will begin to prepare for the much anticipated birth of your little one. Birth preparation enables you to actively prepare your body for the upcoming labour and birth, ensure your health is optimised and that all your nutritional needs are met. The introduction of specific nutrients, herbs and homeopathic to support labour, delivery and lactation as well as dealing with any other issues that may arise at this stage of your pregnancy reduce the likelihood of complications and aid your recovery.

Prevention and Treatment of Pregnancy Issues

Many of the common conditions in pregnancy are in fact signs of specific nutritional insufficiencies and may be easily remedied with appropriate supplemental or lifestyle support. Regular naturopathic health care throughout pregnancy provides safe and effective treatment options reducing or eliminating many of the common “ailments” of pregnancy including

  • Morning sickness
  • Heartburn & reflux
  • Constipation
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Muscle craps
  • Varicose veins
  • Stretch marks
  • Fatigue
  • Pre-eclmpsia & high blood pressure
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Fluid retention
  • Threatened miscarriage


Post Natal Care & Breastfeeding

The first few weeks at home with a new baby can be very challenging and very emotional ones as post pregnancy hormones see saw and you adjust to a whole new lifestyle with your precious new little bundle. You will probably have a myriad of questions and uncertainties.

The Post Natal Program continues to offer supportive treatments and education to help you enjoy your new role. These naturopathic visits are a great time for continued care for you and your baby, to have your many questions answered as you undertake the very rewarding but often challenging task of being a new parent.

From a health perspective, breastfeeding is the best possible food for your baby; it is the ultimate ‘preventive medicine’ and is the ideal nutritional and immunological super-food. It is biochemically unique and specific to the needs of your child at any stage of development. On a practical level it is convenient and always ‘on tap’ whenever required and is an incredible bonding experience between mothers and their children.

While breastfeeding is a natural process, on occasions though it doesn’t always come ‘naturally’ and can present problems for some new mothers. Low milk supply, sore nipples, mastitis and an unsettled baby can be real challenges for new mums.

I have had many years of experience supporting breastfeeding mothers through the Australian Breastfeeding Association (previously the Nursing Mothers’ Association of Australia) and supporting my patients as new mothers.

Whatever your decision or experience with feeding your baby, through the Post Natal program, I look forward to assisting you adjust to and embrace new parenthood.